Yesterday morning I went to Hailey's class to help out. She was wiggling her front tooth non-stop. She had me try to pull it out..after a few hard yanks, nothing happened. It was very loose, and it just sort of hung there. Anyway, that afternoon she walked in the door from school and "WALA", her tooth was out! She was so excited. I asked her if she pulled it out. She said, "No, my teacher did." I'll I have to say is, what a teacher! :)
Congrats Hailey!!! Brycen can really appriciate how stubborn those darn teeth can be sometimes. Seriously, I don't remember teeth being so difficult to lose when I was little. I guess that shows how old I'm getting. Training is going great Alison. I wish you and Angie were joining me. I'm planning on doing another 1/2 marathon this summer--so don't think you two are off the hook. Love Cindy
Your kids are too cute!
Not everyone can say that their teacher pulled out their tooth! We are still waiting for Bryce to experience the whole loosing teeth thing.
yay hailey! wowzers, she is so cute!
p.s. we have a new blog address:
What an awesome way to loose a tooth. Congrats Hailey!! Also happy birthday to Hunter and Bridger. I am still going to send them a b-day card so don't make fun of me when they get it a month late and ask you what was aunt Moo Moo thinking. Sure love you guys. THanks for the coaxing in getting updated too. I finally got around to it. Man Al, you got 4 kiddos and still are the cyber pro here. Well, sure love you guys.
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