Bridger loved his Birthday cookie he received at the Pizza Factory. He also loved the pasta!

Bridger and aunt Kristen share the same birthday. After a matinee, we ate lunch at the Pizza Factory. Yum Yum..

Bridger was trying out his birthday cake...I really don't know why he has a fork in his hand...he never uses a fork.

He did NOT like the cake! So funny! Most one year olds, like my others, attack their cake that is set in front on them...not Bridger. He spit it out.

The family singing Happy Birthday to Bridger. I think he was more into the candle than the cake.

We thought a snowman cake would be appropriate for a January birthday. Hailey came up with the idea.
Looks like you had a great day! We wish we could have been there with you. What movie did you go see? And your cake was amazing good job!
K I feel dumb! Happy Birthday little Bridger!! Awesome cake mom or should I say Martha? Call me & let me know if you are up to some spa time?
What great pictures of your darling family. I love the family picture at the top of your blog.
your kids are so dang cute! i love all their expressions, they are so full of personality!!! wow, your cake was fabulous..serious talent!
Cute cake Alison! What kind of little boy doesn't like cake? That's funny.
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