What?! Bridger is already 2?! Crazy how fast time goes. Bridger is lucky to share the same birthday with his aunt Kristen. I don't know if it's because they share the same birthday, but he LOVES his aunt "Dis". He would go to her over me anyday. Bridger is such a sweet, cute little red-head. He has the sweetest smile and has a spunky personality. He loves to go anything his big brothers do, and keeps up with them quite well. I can't wait to see what this next year brings!
SO CUTE! I love the pictures of the boys... I am pretty sure Bridger wouldn't come to me over you... it's just that I keep candy hidden in my pocket that I bribe him with! :)HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOYS!
Great pictures! I love little Bridger in his onesie! Still waiting on that picture of Bronson... he is 3 months tomorrow?!?
Don't you just want to hit a pause button sometimes and enjoy these little ones longer......
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