Rhett and the kids had fun drawing a beautiful portrait of our baby boy on my big belly. It's a good thing our baby came out cuter.

The hospital called at 5:45 in the morning, letting me know that a room was available to be induced. I was soo excited to finally meet our new little addition...and to be done being pregnant! Here I am, ready to head out the door...

Little Baby Bronson Eric was born at 10:40 a.m. weighing in at 8 pounds exactly 20 inches long. He was my smallest baby.

Bronson had a little rough start getting here...once he figured out how to take that first breath, he was a beautiful, healthy baby.

Don't ask me why I am posting this picture...I mean, I look so glamourous in that beautiful blue robe, but I figured, this is what we looked like for 2 days in the hospital.

Tate was the first one to meet this sweet baby. He was so excited to hold him.

Hailey and Hunter ran home from the bus stop and made a mad dash right to their new baby brother. The kids were unable to come to the hospital because of the swine flu, and everything else that is going around. Hailey is such a big help.

Hunter just loves his baby brother. I didn't get a good picture of Bridger holding Bronson because Bridger wanted to hold the camera instead.

This little guy is going to be one loved, held, and spoiled baby. We are all doing great. Good thing Nana is here to help!
so cute.... he gets cuter everyday! he is an adorable caboose!!
Oh my gosh, PRECIOUS! Congrats! And what a good looking pregnant lady you were. What a BEAUTIFUL family.
We LOVE the pictures!!! :) It's so weird to see the kids holding him... they are still babies themselves.
Can't wait to hold little Bronson ERIC! How thankful we are that he arrived without incident. His siblings sure seem happy to hold him! Love Paps
so what is your secret... in that picture of you leaving for the hospital you look amazing! What fun to see the kids holding him. You can tell he will be one very loved little guy! Just makes us want to see him even more. Hope the recovery goes well and let us know if you need anything!
Congrats, good looking little man!
Huge congrats to you and your family! He is completely handsome!
Congratulations! What a handsome boy.
OOh he is soooo cute!.
perfect little man! I love his little round face, and squishy cheeks :) You really are amazing Alison! You already have 5 munchkins! I guess I should start catching up soon.
Oh my gosh, I had no idea he was born! CONGRATULATIONS!! After the holiday madness, all the E.P. girls need to make a trip down to your place so we can meet him!
He is sooooo cute!!!! He looks like Bridger!!!
-Katelynn Smith:)
Your pictures are so cute! Hey, I need your address so that I can send you a Christmas card. Could you please leave it on my blog, or email me at kmsmith@sfcn.org thanks!
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