Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A First

There are first times for everything. For me, I canned peaches for the first time. My sister, Kristen, came over and we experienced this "first" together. I had envisioned an all day process, with a huge mess in the end. I was pleasantly surprised on how quickly it went and how non-messy it really was. And, it is quite the self-esteem booster of feeling like we accomplished something....domestic! A week later, I still have the bottled peaches on my counter...just as a reminder of what we did! :)

Sooo, looks like we can go ahead and can peaches next year! Anyone is invited over for some peach cobbler! (The kids were quite helpful....Hunter was the peeling pro!)


Aaron and Kira Adams said...

wow! I didnot know you were canning this year, that is wonderful. I also took on canning this year, but took on more than I should have. But what a wonderful feeling it is!

TheBaumanns said...

Wow! Look at you, Alison! I wish I knew how to can....anything! And I love the new house! So the next girl's night needs to be down there so we can see it!!