If there is one thing I am horrible at, it would be family pictures. It stresses me out...so we don't do it very often. What to wear? Where to take them? Will all the kids (and Rhett) look in the same direction at the same time when the picture is snapped? No.
Anyway, thank you Andrew and Kristen for taking our pictures. You guys did great and are awesome!
Alison- I LOVE the new pictures. I cant believe that Andrew and Kristen took them. YOu are lucky to have them so close to do that for you! And you shouldnt be to stressed your family pictures always turn out amazing.
P.S. you blog looks great, you are becoming quite the blogger!
Cute family. Tate is my favorite. Shhh, don't tell :)
As if I didn't feel "old" enough with 2 and getting ready to turn 30, now I've got to come see my sunday-school-ditching-Sister-Dunkin-visiting-buddy with 4 (a couple of them REAL kids, not toddlers).
When did we become grown-ups??? It's like you silently pass that threshold of "that couple in the ward with the cute baby" to "that family in the ward" and you don't even know what hit you. Sheesh!!!
Anyway, your kids are adorable, Hailey reminds me of the little girl from 'Remember the Titans'. Looks like you guys are doing well, and happy belated 30th...nice to know you'll always be just a little bit older than me!
I LOVE IT!!!! SO incredibly adoreable, I miss you all. I don't know how I feel about Andrew taking my job as the family photographer! :) Thanks for posting these, tell Hailey I love the necklace! (and the sparkly eye shadow!!) What a girl!
Alison, you guys look great. What a beautiful family you have. We can't wait to hang out again and hopefully we'll be making a trip down to Moab for the half marathon. If you don't end up doing that race we'll find another one that works for you. Talk to ya soon. Cindy
Oh my gosh, Tate has grown so much. I remember him as just a baby when Lauren and I played our guitars at your house. So cute. I love Hailey's makeup! What cute kids, Alison. BEAUTIFUL family. And cute blog layout!
I think I had the most fun out of everyone- your family is beautiful! love you!
Words cannot describe! What precious pics these are. And to get Rhett to sit still for that long of time for pics must have been worse than breaking up Tate and Hunter from fighting! Love Paps
You guys look great! I'm with you on the picture thing though. It can get pretty crazy trying to get everyone happy at the same time!! Your blog looks great!
You are such a cute family! I didn't know Kristen and Andrew were such good photographers! I am glad that you update your blog I love seeing what you are up to. P.s. your background is really cute!
cute pics Alison. Your blog is lookin good and why stress they always turn out great!
I love the family pictures!! Your family is so gorgeous I like the black shirts too - maybe we'll do that next time. This time around Jeff's parents asked us to all wear "harvest colors." hmmm...black is much easier!!
what an adorable family you have!
Wow! You two have the absolute CUTEST family! I'm sure Christmas was SO much fun at your house. I miss you guys! I need your info so I can come see you when I'm up in Utah some day. Miss you!! tarrish@gmail.com
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