Sarah...where do I begin?! Sarah and I met in the first grade. I had just moved to El Paso from Houston. I was sitting all alone during recess, on the big yellow tire (yes, the big yellow tire was part of our "playground"). Sarah came up and introduced herself. Since then, we have been the bestest of friends. We went through elementary, junior high, and high school togther. We were roomies at Ricks College. We got married a month apart, and have our first babies weeks apart. We have pretty much been through it all together. We were called the bobsy twins growing up. We even had twin jumpers made for our first day of school in 5th grade, or was it 6th?
Anyway, Sarah and her cute family (Greg and 3 darling boys) came to visit us for a week, and it was so fun. When we were little, we always talked about growing up and marrying twin brothers and having our kids play together... Well, we didn't marry twin brothers, but we did have our kids play together, and it was so fun to watch. What did we do for a week? Not a whole heck of a lot. Just relaxed, went on 4 wheel rides, fishing, parade, little shopping, folded laundry, V.I. visit for some pie, played Ticket to Ride, stayed up every night until 2 am, and watched our cute little hubbies become good friends. It was so fun. Can't wait to do it again...hopefully sooner than latter!

After hanging out for a week, you would think we would have gotten a decent picture of the two of us...oh well. Maybe next time... :)

The kids had a ball roasting hot dogs and marshmellows. Where is the adult supervision?

What a group! We were definantly out numbered...probably the main reason why we didn't go too far from home.

The Nygrens just happened to come to town the same time as our "big" city days was going on. We made it to the parade. Though the weather was a little cold and rainy (typical June weather in Utah), the kids had a great time watching the floats and collecting candy that was thrown their way.

Cute little Sarah and Greg...

Enjoying the parade.

Rhett and Greg took the kids fishing one evening. They had a great time getting muddy...and coming home empty handed.

Kristen came up and did our glitter toes...don't they look beautiful?! Kristen has quite the little business going. Sarah had never heard of glitter toes, until now....Now the trend will spread like wild fire! :)

We had a barbecue up at our house and everyone from El Paso who lives in the area came over. We had quite the group. It was fun to see us all together, and all the kids that came along.

Multiply and replenish the earth?
We had a great time visiting and laughing and seeing all of our kids play together. It's so fun to be able to get together.