What a fun-filled Christmas we had. We kicked it off with decorating the Christmas tree. We had lots of little helpers to help decorate.

Tah-dah! It turned out quite nice.... I just love the smell of a real Christmas trees!

It was so nice to have aunt Lauren out to help with baby Bronson. She did everything! From making meals, cleaning house, running errands, and everything else in between...

The kids have been having a lot of fun playing in the snow. And boy do we have snow! Aunt Marty and cousin Micah came to visit and she took the kids sledding and built a snowman. It was fun having them here.

Hailey had her 2nd grade Christmas program. She did such a great job with singing and memorizing her lines.

Tate also had a Christmas program. He is quite the little singer. His favorite song was "Somebody Snitched On Me". It goes well with his little personality. He even helped Mrs. Wall with remembering the lines.

We had cousins up for Christmas Eve. They did a great job acting out the nativity scene. We had a kangaroo, a bunny, and a sheep as part of our animals. Baby Bronson played a perfect role as baby Jesus.

It was so fun to watch the kids open their gifts Christmas morning. I love the excitement they have.

Hailey got her American Girl doll, Chrissa, for Christmas. She was very happy.

Tate got what he wanted, a BYU football uniform. He has not taken in off since he opened it.
Santa had the #19 put on the back of his uniform....to help remind him the age of when he gets to go on a mission. :)