It's that time of year! Rhett had taken a day off of work to go hunting with some buddies. After hunting from dawn till dusk, he came home empty handed. A day before muzzle loader season ended, Rhett and Hailey drove up the canyon to look at a job to repair. On their way home, Rhett spotted three bucks by the road. Like a boy on Christmas morning, he ran home, grabbed his gun, and went to ask the neighbor for permission to hunt his land. He got the go ahead, and shot the buck 25 yards behind the neighbor's shop. His trophy buck is a 4 points on the left and 5 points on the right with one of those being a drop tine. Way to go honey! Now we have meat for the winter! :) (Hailey got to witness it all firsthand, and reported that it was "Funny". )