The kids were out of school last friday, so we, and the Severe's, headed to the Utah Hogle Zoo. The weather was perfect, the company was great, and the kids had a wonderful time.

Okay, with the train ride, carousel, and flavored ice cream cones...what kid wouldn't love the zoo? Oh, and of course, the animals!

It was fun to see the kids get excited about "wildlife". They are all observing a huge tortoise...Tate was wanting to jump the fence and ride it.

Hunter was amused with this peacock, as you can see. Last time we went to the zoo he yells out, "My daddy would love to shoot those pheasants!". I quickly told him, "Not so loud". The comment you get when you have a dad that enjoys hunting.

The kids were really excited to see the giraffes...especially after recently watching Madagascar 2. Funny how animals take on a whole new outlook once they are portrayed in Disney movies. I heard one mom say, "Look, it's Rafiki!".